DAY SIXTEEN: Today’s Quote: “Everyone in society should be a role model, not only for their own self-respect, but for respect from others.”-Barry Bonds
As you read through today's article, give yourself time to conjure up your own image and make your wish and dream. I hope you will find as I did that happiness comes from noticing and enjoying the little things in life. Welcome to day sixteen of “Andy Omoregie Daily Dose.”
Don't sleep on your talents, for the world is waiting. Together we can make a difference. Whatever your dream is, there is absolutely no reason to hold back or hesitate. If you don't do it no one will. After all it's your dream in the first place. So throw all caution to the wind. Disregard anyone trying to discourage you or tell you it will not work.
What the world need now more than ever are role models with positive intentions. No matter what life throws at you and me. The ability to respond is left for us. The choice we make in every confrontation matters. You need to be optimistic and be positive. For that's where I stand.
Just think about it, For thousands of years that man has inhabited the earth, light of positivity has continued to shine through. From time immemorial, good conquers evil, love destroys hate and peace reigns over war.
For you to live well and long, do away with everything that is negative. Move with positive friends. Let positive statement flow from your mouth. Sometimes it takes a wakeup call to cherish what we have in life. Be a shining example for others to follow. Above all, be a role model.
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