Today's Quote:
"Success often comes to those who dare to act. It seldom goes to the timid who are ever afraid of the consequences."-Jawaharlal Nehru
Today's Quote:
"Success often comes to those who dare to act. It seldom goes to the timid who are ever afraid of the consequences."-Jawaharlal Nehru
I want to begin by asking you to have faith in whatever you do. Expect and believe that positive things will happen in your life. Optimists live longer, according to research. That said I want to welcome you to day fifteen of "Andy Omoregie Daily Dose."
The world is like a magnet constantly pulling our energy outwards with activities.The power to tap into your tremendous potential comes from your identity. That relate to how you define yourself. Who you are is the strongest force in human personality. We all have the urgent and strong need to remain consistent on how we define and relate to ourselves. Any change you make within yourself will determine your ability to endure the future.
Your actions is been determined by your identity. You act according to your concept of who you are. We must learn to be ourselves once will know truly who we are. Living outside your true nature will create a life of frustration, stress and disappointment.
You must learn to engage in your deepest needs, values and strength. We must not compromise our fears and beliefs. With these concepts in mind we can create our tremendous potential and harmony.
Because many people are ignorance of their true identities, they strive for things and situations that do not belong to them. The end result is failure and dissatisfaction.
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