Today, the world is no longer predictable. 100 years ago, our lives seemed simpler because our roles were more defined. All areas of our lives were defined, but today the case is different. In order to be happy and successful we must be multidimensional in everything we do. We belong to the era of technology. Happiness is the desire of every man and woman. On every continent, in every country and in every culture, when people are asked, "What do you want?" the most popular answer is "happiness." Happiness is what you need in other to make other life’s goals like success, prosperity and relationships—feel meaningful and enjoyable. We toil hard every day to be able to achieve the basic needs that will give us happiness. We fight for it, we crave for it and we even die for it.
In truth, happiness is a state of one's mind. It is something you do not look for. You do not have to chase it. Happiness is something that is in you and it’s you alone that can create it. It is sad that most people try to look at happiness through their wealth, career, money and success, but in the actual fact happiness is something that you choose for yourself. If you put your happiness on your money, what will happen to you when you are broke and no money to spend that means you will be unhappy. You will always be unhappy when you crave for materials things because when these things are not forth coming the end result will be unhappiness. The fear of not been able to get the material things you desire will also lead you to unhappiness. For you to be truly happy in this world, you need to free yourself and mind from material and negative things.
Despite that fact that our ultimate goal in life is to be happy, some people chase happiness while other people choose happiness. From my personal experience, I have come to discover that, you don’t chase happiness you choose it. Most people think that money can buy happiness, that’s where they got it wrong. The truth is, money can't buy you happiness, because happiness is not in it. Money can take you to the doorstep of happiness but cannot open it. True happiness is free and doesn't cost a dime. A lot of happiness is overlooked because it doesn't cost anything.
TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW. NOTE: If you enjoyed this post, please like it or share it so that other people can benefit from it. I really appreciate it, thanks.
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