Even before you were born, God already have you in mind. So from day one, you are born to be special. That is why nobody else is like you. Everything about you is unique. That is why there is no one else that has your identity. No one has the same family background and experiences like you. No one has the same fingerprints like you. You must also recognize that no one else has the same genetic code like you. No one else has your brain, talent, capability and skill. Now you see why you should do something remarkable in your life. It's yours and no one else. God created you for a specific purpose. You are created to show your value to the world. Every minute is precious, so don't waste it. It is not a mistake that you were created, but it will be a mistake if you do not know your worth. According to Joel Osteen, “I believe that God has put gifts and talents and ability on the inside of every one of us. When you develop that and you believe in yourself and you believe that you're a person of influence and a person of purpose, I believe you can rise up out of any situation" Life is a bag of mixed feelings and different faces. In life, every face tells its own story, some sad, some mixed with emotions and others simply charming. Most of us spend our whole lives looking and searching for that fulfilment, that feeling of wholeness and something to justify our own existence. Sadly but that is the truth, we spend time and money searching for fulfilment. Most of our lives are spent with us avoiding failure, but how often do we risk success? According to Myles Munroe, “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but life without a purpose." Purpose is an intended or desired result. Purpose, is the reason for which something exists. The truth is, without purpose there is no reason for been here on earth. You and I were created for a purpose. Believe in yourself, it is the key to your future. Because your and I were created by God, we are precious jewel. So whatever we do in this world should be for a purpose. So begin every day with a purpose. Don't let people take you off track and don't lose focus. On a serious note, understand the importance and the relevance of whom you are and where you are going. Set goals, make rules, get focused and move forward towards your future. Even though some days may be difficult than others, there is a purpose for everything. Be a positive influence to someone. Work hard and never give up on your dreams. In the words of Tony Robbins, “Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life's deepest joy: true fulfilment.” For you to have that purpose and desire, It is important that you continue to flourish in all that you do, by letting each positive affirmation formulate into some type of action. You are the controller of your life, your journey and your very being. You are the one that is in control. When you take control, you are empowered to make the changes and decisions that will move your journey into the path that you wish to walk. I want to start by asking you to go for your dream. Go after it passionately with conviction in your heart that you will succeed. If you are knocked down during the process, get up and start again. Just keep going, fighting, and believing that one day you will reach the mountain top and see the Promised Land.
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