Yesterday, I wrote about "Faith: Why You Must have it" Today let's see faith in action. Having faith means believing in things, situations that are not visible and as you must know, life is a journey with inner secrets and mysteries. Today I want to share with you the story I found on Internet that illustrates faith in action.
“There was a village where for a long period does not experience rain. The farmers could not plant their crops because there was no rain. One day, the villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the people gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella. The others Villagers were surprised and out of curiosity asked the boy why he came with an umbrella. With confidence, the boy replied, “Since we are going to pray to God for rain and I know and I believe that God answer all prayers, so I came prepared.”
So dear reader, that's Faith in action. Though the Villagers were praying for rain, they did not believe. If they have faith in their prayer they would have come with umbrellas just like the boy. That day, it rained and all the Villagers were soaked in rain except the boy with umbrella.
In life’s journey, we should learn not only to have faith but put it in action. Faith is the ability to believe, but that ability must be used and acted upon for faith to come alive and work. It does not cost us dime and the benefits are numerous. We should learn to trust God in all we do. We should learn to put our project in God’s hand and trust that he will see us through. We are just like pencil in the hands of God.
Thanks for reading.
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